Little Green Luxuries: Products That Are Fun For You And Good For The Environment

Going green does not have to mean sacrificing the good things in life. There are a number of goods and services that benefit the earth and the bottom line while providing a bit of the good life. Here are just a few favorite luxuries to treat the earth and the people living on it.

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Order Online and Have Groceries Delivered

Instead of driving to the grocery store each week, order food online for delivery to a residence or business. Well-timed grocery delivery routes use much less fuel than individual customers driving separately. Safeway and other U.S. national chain grocery outlets offer delivery service, as do shopping services such as Peapod, and We Go Shop. Many locally based grocery stores, such as Genuardi’s in Philadelphia and New Seasons Market in Portland, also provide delivery services.

Delivery service usually costs five to ten dollars in addition to the cost of the food. However, delivery saves time and aggravation, especially for busy parents. Many people find that they actually save money ordering groceries online as it is very easy to comparison shop and there are no impulse purchases. Dieters will find online shopping helpful for these same reasons.

Drink Biodynamic Wine

The guiding principle of biodynamic farming is one of sustainability and self-sufficiency as farmers aim for the perfect balance between man and nature, plants and animals, soil and air. On a biodynamic farm, the goal is to give back to the land as much as the farming process takes from it, so that there is no carbon footprint. For example, farmers plant cover crops, treat soil with organic preparations created from composted scraps, and use animals like bees and sheep to pollinate crops and trim unwanted vegetation.

For winemakers, biodynamic farming produces the perfect “terroir,” or taste of the land because pesticides, fertilizers, and other unnatural products are kept from spoiling the soil. The trend is catching on with vineyards throughout Europe, the US, and Australia. Fork & Bottle maintains a list of Demeter certified biodynamic wines throughout the world.

Hire a Landscaper

A lush green lawn requires a lot of upkeep at a lot of expense to the environment. According to a story, the average American household uses 25,000 gallons of water per year to irrigate their lawns. Gas powered lawnmowers spit carbon emission into the air. Fertilizers and pesticides can be dangerous to children and pets and, when it rains, run off into the water supply via storm drains.
Hiring a landscaper to replace a water-chugging lawn with native plants that can survive with little additional water beyond local rainfall will require money upfront. But the long-term savings on water usage and maintenance time are well worth the initial cost. Other options are to plant an edible landscape or rock garden. To find a “green landscaper” specializing in sustainable design, try the Green Home Guide or Low Impact Living websites.

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Buy a Shiny New Bicycle

According to the EPA’s “Emission Facts,” every gallon of burned gas releases 19 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air. Reduce emissions, save money at the pump, and get in shape by buying a new bike to commute to work. Nirve Bikes come in any number of styles and colors to fit any personality. A serious commuter may want to splurge on a custom-built travel bike from Bike Friday. These lightweight bicycles fold flat to fit into trunks, public transportation, and even suitcases.
The environmentally conscious will deserve some reward for all of their dedication to the planet. With these ideas, they can treat themselves and the earth at the same time.

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