7 Easy Ways To Green Your Home

Home is where sustainability begins. When purchasing goods and services for your family, ensure that they contribute to community well-being and the long-term health of the planet. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Purchase foods produced on Rainforest Alliance Certified farms.

Choose coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, bananas, orange juice, guava, pineapple, passion fruit, plantains, macadamia nuts, and flowers from sustainable farms where the rainforest is protected and people are treated well.

2. Purchase wood goods certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Buy responsibly sourced and processed wood and wood products to help conserve forests throughout the world. A complete list of FSC Certified wood products can be found here.

3. Handle the seasons with care.

Save energy in the winter by covering up at home (and keeping your thermostat set to 68), and in the summer, utilize ceiling fans instead of energy-guzzling air conditioners. If you absolutely must travel away to avoid the winter blues, buy carbon offsets for your flight and choose Rainforest Alliance Certified tourism firms that care for the environment and the people in which they operate.

4. Learn more about rainforests and share your knowledge with children, friends, and family.

Our website provides free rainforest-themed lessons and activities utilized in classrooms across the country. Explore the delights of the rainforest and learn more about the people, plants, and creatures that live there by visiting the Rainforest Alliance’s kids’ activities and species profiles.

5. Take command of your inbox

Subscribe to Catalog Choice, a free service that allows you to convey your postal preferences to businesses while reducing the quantity of unwanted catalogues in your mailbox. Most credit card, gas and electric, and cable companies offer online bill payment services.

6. Encourage the use of renewable energy and energy-efficient technology.

Choose Energy Star rated appliances and light bulbs, and think about building a solar energy system.

7. Hold a local fundraising event.

Gather your neighbors, relatives, and friends for a “Rainforest Run” or a “Rainforest Rummage Sale,” and give the revenues to a rainforest conservation organization.

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